Thursday, June 14, 2012

Get A New Look With A Free Wordpress Theme

Ready to jazz your website up and not sure where to start? If you are using WordPress as your content management system then changing the look of your whole website can be done in a matter of seconds using the themes option. You can download themes and upload them to install them on your wordpress installation or you can even use the search option in the Appearance >> Themes section to find new ones for free. You can also browse the same set of free WordPress themes on the WP Extend Themes section of the website.

You can have a lot of fun choosing a great new look for your website or blog. However, it is important to choose one that is easy to read and navigate too. After all, you are doing this for your readers right? Learn how to get design tips from your readers in this article we posted a few days ago.

If you want something a little more fancy and something that is not being offered to all the users who are browsing WordPress' site, check out these other sources for free WordPress themes listed below.

Get More Free WordPress Themes Here

Check out all these free beautiful themes for your WordPress site! This list is just a short review of some of great companies and people out there that are sharing their hard work to the WordPress community for free!
  1. - This site offers some themes with very clean layouts and is a great resource for anybody looking for a new look.
  2. - You will find some great themes that have huge images in their featured section, if you are looking for one of those magazine layouts, this is a good place to start.
  3. - This site has some really cool themes that are free, but it seems like their may be some paid ones in the listings to, so make sure to see what is really free and grab some goodies here.
  4. - This site has some amazing looking themes, again they sneak in some paid ones, but for the most part this is a great resource and has plenty of pictures to help you search.
Have fun changing your blog look and feel and feel free to share some of your own resources for free WordPress themes in the comments of this blog post.

To Success,

Nick Simpson

Monday, June 11, 2012

Build The Website Your Visitors Want - Reader Layout Tips

For many webmasters finding the right design can take weeks or even months. For others, even though they have a great design, they simply cannot stop tweaking and making changes to the look and layout that they already have. The problem for most designers and web masters is the fact that their tastes change, so there is simply no end to the editing and changes that come.

This is not a good thing, to many the look and feel of a website is part of the brand. Just think, if a visitor comes to your web site one day, reads a couple post and decides to bookmark your page to come back and when they do come back a few days or a month later, the site doesn't even look familiar. This can be very off-putting and can also make it hard for readers to find your site by visual searches which are becoming much more popular. Looking through bookmarks, images of recently visited pages and these visual searches like the new Yahoo Axis make it very important that you can keep things very similar and not make drastic changes often if you can afford not to.

Get Reader Recognition Using Your Design

You want your readers to remember your site and not wander what has happened or if they are even on the same site every time they come to visit. It is also important to understand that not all template changes, but some, will move content use different tags and this can all lead to re-indexing or confusion on the search engine spiders to keep your site ranked consistently.

The question is how to you build the perfect website layout? There is a simple answer and you already know it, because you read the title of this article. You need to focus on what your visitors and readers really want. If you can somehow take their interests into consideration, this is always the best way to build a site that will be memorable, but also one that does not need changed near as often.

Get Free Answers To Your Website Layout Questions From People That Count

Don't listen to that weird guy who lives in the apartment next to you or your 83 year old grandmother. Getting input from the people that count the most (your reader) is much easier than you might think. You can get feedback from your readers in many different ways. You can make example or ask questions about changes in an online poll on FaceBook or your main site. This can be a great way to get some instant feedback. Another great way to get honest input from your user base is by emailing your list or your members and asking for suggestions or feedback on specific things you are considering changing.

Thanks For Reading And Look Forward To Your Comments

This website has a very simple layout that most of my readers enjoy because it is simple and straight to the point. However, my readers are here for one thing and that is rock solid content on how to build a better website and how to drive crazy traffic to their pages. So, you will see no fluff here, just meat and potatoes. However, I am always open to suggestion as I was saying earlier. If you have a design suggestion or some layout changes that you think will make the Free Webmaster Tips website even better, just leave a comment below!

To Success,

Nick Simpson

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Get Your Copy Of "5 Ways To Get Instant Free Website Traffic" Today

Hello traffic moguls!

Oh, wait what is that?

You don't get so much traffic that you don't know what to do with it?

OK, well in that case you are going to want to grab this free ebook only available on the Webmaster Business Plan web site. This PDF resource guide was a created a few years ago with one thing in mind and that was how to get traffic. This simple but effective traffic guide will teach you some very easy ways to drive traffic to your website without worry of scaring the delicate Google Penguin.

If you are ready to get more visitors fast, go ahead and click over to this site to get your instant download, no email addy required, just straight content goodness!

Download your copy of  "5 Instant Ways To Get Instant Free Website Traffic" for free right now.

These Old School SEO methods are just as effective today, as they were when this traffic training material was originally put together, so forget about all your gray/black hat software and apps and learn how to make real traffic by doing something that Google loves without the need to try and trick the algorithm.

Great content and big traffic are in your near future or at least that's what the gypsy told me at the circus last night :-)


Nick Simpson

Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Favorite Social Networks

There are hundreds if not thousands of networks for social bliss on the net today. Choosing which one is right for you, can be tricky and the best way to find out what you like and what you don't like is by experiencing as many as possible. After review a small handful of these social sites most people can list what features are most important to them very quickly.  However, in reality most people will end up running back to the big ones like Google+, Facebook and Twitter for the simple reason that these sites have huge user bases, meaning their friends area already there.

It is hard to beat a site that all your friends are already active on, but it can also be a lot of fun showing people you know new ways to be social and to network online. With HTML5 and AJAX there are some pretty slick new social networks popping up on the web and I have been poking around and checking some out myself. I will list a few below and the links go directly to my social profile on the respective site. If you want to jump in and want to have at least one friend, just invite me, I would love to hear from you.

My Favorite Social Networks That You May Have Never Heard Of - This website is not new, actually I have been hanging out there for a couple years now. I have seen some changes come about since my registration, a killer mobile app, being one. This site is something between a sharing site and social network, but they give you a solid platform to use and I love it! - This site really reminds me of Pinterest with a twitter feed built in, the idea is to chime in on topics, interests, pictures and videos. The fact that has been around for a while and I have never heard another human being speak of it, blows my mind. Great site, super fast loading, warm community and the ability to share images, videos and even make your own groups. Highly suggested site and I hope to see it thrive for years to come. - This site is nothing but a Pinterest rip off, but it is a really good on and it is growing very fast. If you like Pinterest, you will like Bolt, so come on over and use this early invite to get in quicker. I love browsing images, so I love this site. I guess I would say this is the Pinterest version for guys, not so much foofoo stuff here and a lot of awesome infographics!

Find Me On The Top 3 Social Networks Here

I will be adding to this list as I run across other great social networks that are not the big 3. However, you can follow me and find me on them below:

Nick Simpson On Facebook

Nick Simpson On Google+

Nick Simpson On Twitter

Please take a second to follow this blog using your Google account or comment, would love to hear some feedback and names of other great up and coming social networks!

To Success,

Nick Simpson

Friday, June 8, 2012

Start Building A Profitable Email List For Free

There are some people who manage huge mailing lists and they require the use of popular email marketing standards. The fact that aWebber, Constant Contact and other email list building pay sites have gotten so huge, has led to some other online products to offer direct integration. This is one of the reasons that these services continue to thrive, this and the fact that they pay their affiliate residual income from the people paying each and every month to use such a service.

There are many different email marketing solutions out there and the rules that build a successful list do not depend on which solution you choose. I have used many different list building apps and programs, but when it comes down to it, you need to get started before you sell yourself on a feature of a specific type of list builder. So, lets get started by learning how to really get the most out of our email marketing.

Did you know that you can run a full featured email list right from your WordPress admin panel for free?

Most people do not know this and that is why many people get frustrated while they continue to pay for list building software while they are still trying to learn how to build a list. If you are ready to start building a money list and don't want to put cash up front assuming that it is going to take off, this free solution may be just what you have been hunting for.

The Free Wordpress Autoresponder allows online marketers to take complete control of their email marketing and you don't have to spend a dime to get started. This software lets you create and manage email lists directly from your WordPress admin panel and this makes creating blog content and the email to draw your subscribers back a very quick process. As your lists grows you can use this process to create "push button" traffic whenever you wish!

5 Tips To Starting Your Own Profitable Email List

  1. Don't Start In The Hole - If you are going start off, there is no reason to spend money, not until you are making some at least. If you start building a list and it's gets so outrageously big that you need a more robust solution, you can upgrade to the paid version that runs of off your smtp mail server and allows you to throttle the sending of your message. The good thing is, the pro version of the free wordpress autoresponder is a one time fee of 27 bucks, so it cost about as much as one month of service from most of the other big name email list building tools you see out there.
  2. Make A Killer Offer - Many people say "oh I have this old ebook sitting on my hard drive, I'll just give it away to build my list" and this may work, but don't forget to spend some serious time setting up your bribe correctly, if you make a great offer, you will get more sign-ups for sure. If you put together your own freebie that is best, then you can add your own affiliate information and links as needed.
  3. Follow Through With Your Offer - Be a man or woman of your word. when you make a promise you have to deliver or people will unsubscribe so fast you won't know what happened. So, if you want to have a really successful and profitable list, you are going to over deliver! Whatever you offered your subscriber in exchange for their email address, blow their mind with big value when you deliver and you can bet your buns they are going to open and read every message they receive from here on out.
  4. Don't Hammer Your List - Take it easy, they know who you are and they don't want to see your messages every five minutes. So spread your messages out on your autoresponder once a week or so and only send new messages when you really have something to say that is important, helpful or noteworthy. Weak messages are the second reason people unsubscribe, boredom is not your friend!
  5. Be Cool - I know it sounds silly, but don't take internet marketing superstar Frank Kern's words for granted, he knows what he is saying. If you can "out cool" other marketers in your niche, you will remain the top dog in your market, period.
These are sure fire ways to building a successful email list that will help you start profiting from your efforts. Make sure you have some great follow up offers, this is where you start banking. However to make your funnel successful, you need to make sure everything from your capture page to your last message are in good shape, so don't be afraid to continually tweak your system until you find the perfect balance.

Thanks for reading,

P.S. To learn more about the Free WordPress Autoresponder check out this post on Pam Lawhorn's blog and see how easy it is to setup with her great step by step instructions and screen shots!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Google Authorship Is Big Are You Ready?

Online marketing and web site promotion has become such a large beast, that Google among many other online giants have to keep changing very often to stay ahead of cheaters and those who are constantly trying to game the system.

The fact that most people who are trying to build an online business do not want to spend the time to grow their business like a traditional brick and mortar business.

Most online marketers are looking for a easy way to make money, this has created many problems on the web and many of the biggest web authorities are spending a lot of time and money to make sure that the best websites, products and content are promoted naturally.

Social Gets Big And You Need To Be Using It

The problems that we talked about in the intro, led to Google, Bing and other huge online authorities to start putting more emphasis on content that was generated by people on social networks because this was their only metric that they could use as the "human factor". Now, don't think that this is going away, it has been very successful because even spammers can only get limited reach using these social networks. People are pretty quick to spot B.S. these days and they do not share it!

So, this means a couple of things. Number one, if you are not already using social as part of your marketing machine, you are going to be screwed and number two, if you are already using social media you can't stop. The same concept of link building applies here. If you see a bunch of buzz one day and then its gone, well Google is just going to figure that the herd has moved on. So don't just drop 50 tweets one day and then come back in a month, this is bad form for sure.

If you have been using Twitter and Facebook thinking that it is enough, you are probably right, but there are hundreds of other very popular and pretty big social media sites that you can expand your business by simply creating some new accounts and of course interacting.

Google Authorship, It's Kind Of A Big Deal!

OK, so what is Google Authorship anyhow? Well Google Authorship is a simple way for Google to start actually tracking and then rewarding or penalizing authors. Many people publish content under a bunch of different pen names and the reason for this is that many people are gray hat or black hat marketers and don't know it. In the past people thought that Google really wanted to see content from many different people talking about one subject to get ranked. Well, this may have been true, but in the real world, people who are affiliated with a site or an online project are much more likely to talk about it than others and Google knows this. So, authorship is a simple new method for google to follow you on the web, see what sites you post on and follow what content you are generating across the internet.

This may sound scary if you are using paid tools to blast hundreds of articles out every day, but if you a real content producer, then this is really a very exciting change. Google is glad to reward those who create unique, rich, fresh content often, just make sure that you are really the author of the content that you connect to.

How Do I Get Listed Or Cited As An Author In Google's Eyes?

There are a couple ways that you can force Google to give you author recognition and hopefully reward you big, for your continued effort to share useful and fresh content to the world. You can connect a web site, blog or Web 2.0 property that you are a contributor to on your Google+ profile, this is actually brand new, but the groundwork to make this work has been here since they first implemented Google Profiles way before we had heard about their social network Google+ coming out.

If you want to connect your web sites to your Google+ profile, just follow the link below to learn how:

You can also use meta tags to send signals to Google about the authors of each post or the whole website. This may be an outdated method now that the above mentioned is in full effect, but there are some cases that  it may be more appropriate (guest blogging and so on) for you to still use this methodology to get credit for your cited work online.

To see how to use meta tags to signify authorship check out this link:

Oh, I Almost Forgot The Most Important Thing!

You get your picture in the search results! Yes, part of this system will automatically put your picture and some other juicy details about your followers and so on, in a small snippet that is being called "rich snippets" in the actual search results of google.

To see what I am talking about follow this link for Google's own explanation:

I hope you enjoyed the read and make sure to subscribe to this blog by clicking the black hover button at the top right of the page and please, please follow me on my Google+ profile.

To Success,

Nick Simpson

Saturday, June 2, 2012

How To Wrestle A Google Penguin And Win!

OK, so here we go. Yes, Google has been making some major changes since December 2011 and through this year as well. You may have heard something about a Panda or a Penguin attacking marketers and their websites and these stories are very true. However, the fact remains that these Google algorithm changes are nothing new, just some of the more recent have been much more visible than the more incremental changes of the past.

These latest changes have been direct "attacks" as some call them on internet marketers. I would not use those words, but I would call these changes more of learning experiences for marketers.

The Real Rules Of SEO Have Never Changed!

If you look back at what Matt Cutts told webmasters to do to rank in Google 2 or even 5 years ago, they still hold true today. The problem is what people have been able to get away with to get ranked in the past (cheating) no longer works as well as it did a year ago. If you build killer content and let your site organically grow, nothing has changed. If you go out there and spend money on the marketing software that blasts crap all over the internet, you may be rethinking your spending habits right now.

So What Happened?

So here is the scratch. The Panda and Penguin updates both focus on one thing and that is low quality content. If you have hundreds or even thousands of low quality content farms links coming into your site, you probably lost some of your rankings recently. This does not mean your website has been sandboxed or black listed by any means. What Google did do, is de-index low quality and questionable content. If this was the type of pages linking to you, you just lost some link juice from the sites and pages that have been de-indexed that is all!

So, the good news is that you can rebuild your link authority even in a "post penguin seo world" without needing to track down all those old crappy quality links, because Google has already done you that favor by removing them from their search index. In essence Google has already given you a perfect chance for a fresh start without penalizing your site for trying to be sneaky.

5 Steps To Winning A Wrestling Match With The Google Penguin

  1. Stop Building Junk Links Now! - This can be a big one if you are still throwing up hundreds of low quality links. You need to quit giving low quality score signals to Google now, before you do get a real Google Slap. So step one is, Stop! Now keep reading.
  2. Start Acquiring New Authority Links To Your Site - OK, so you stopped testing Google by using shifting link building methods, now it is time to turn the tables back to your favor. Get real links on real sites, earn them, ask for them, don't buy them (Google is getting hip to this as well) and you will be rewarded.
  3. Use Video - Yep, G loves Vids! So get out there and make some videos spread them around and don't forget to use a variety of links, titles and tags and these things stick in the results pages like nothing else.
  4. Use Social - Social is now probably more important than links and most marketers will figure this out in the months and years to come. So get ahead of the wave and make a huge social impact on your site by making quality profile pages and more importantly interacting with the social communities that you are part of FB, LinkedIn, Twitter or what ever you choose.

    Heres a sneaky tools that still works for social Social Bookmarking Magic your content will be submitted by random real users! Best part is if you just keep clicking the no thanks, you can rock this system for free, of course you can update if you are lazy, but well worth a look.
  5. Build Your Own Network Of Sites - This can take a little time to setup correctly, but you will reap some major rewards for a long time if it is done correctly on keyword specific domain name and on separate hosting accounts to make sure you have a good spread of Class C IP addresses to run your sites on.

    Or use these free content networks to start your own blog, these are Penguin Friendly and not overused, so don't tell your friends! >> | <<
  6. Share This Post - Yes, ask for links! That is the last tip, if you enjoyed this article please help us out by sharing it on your favorite social network or your own blog!
Thank you for reading. I really appreciate that you took the time to visit my blog and I would love to hear from you in the comments section.

To success,

Nick Simpson